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High conversion rates

At BeeLiked, we have 8 years experience powering free to enter promotions for businesses around the world and achieve an average 55% conversion rate from people landing on the promotion, to entering. With RunnyHoney, we’re introducing a paid entry route and our user panel research shows that on average 80% of all entries will include a donation averaging £8.00.  This means that from 1000 entries we estimate charities would receive £6,400 in donations.

Full service or self service?

Our aim is to make this easy. For charities that have their own design and legal teams, then our self service option might be best. For others, subject to approvals, we offer a full service option where the RunnyHoney team will design, build and manage the promotion, including covering all legal considerations and customer service – for no upfront cost. To ensure that all promotions comply with the CAP code, we require that prizes are secured prior to go-live and our legal team approve the competition terms.

Our promotions are designed to capture attention

It's all yours

We ensure that 100% of the donations collected through the promotion goes directly to your charity bank account via our payment provider Stripe.

image showing donation widget
illustration saying donate

Our fees are aligned to your success

To ensure your success, we employ teams of engineers, designers and support staff and so managing promotions does have a cost. Our self service model is suitable for larger organisations with in-house resources and is based on a monthly subscription model plus 5% of donations raised. Our fully managed service has no upfront cost, but our fees are linked to the value of donations you raise. To learn more, please register your interest via the link below.

Let’s fun[d]raise together.

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